EXIF Date Changer 3.9
9.8 MB

EXIF Date Changer 3.9

Replace, remove, or add EXIF metadata to your digital photo collection
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
9.8 MB

Many digital photographs carry a set of metadata with interesting information about when and where they were taken, with what camera, on what light conditions, etc. They are usually stored following the EXIF standard, and they can be easily modified using EXIF Date Changer. This simple utility can update selected EXIF information in bulk, be it an entire folder with its subfolders or a user-defined batch of pictures.

EXIF metadata are to digital photographs what ID3 tags are to audio files. They store important information about the file that may help you to keep your collection nicely organized, protect its rights, or find out why the picture didn’t come out as you expected. However, sometimes the information stored about the time and date on which the picture was taken is not as accurate as expected – the timestamp of the camera may be incorrect or you may have forgotten to change the settings when moving to a different time zone. Either way, EXIF Date Changer has the tools to help you modify the date and time of a picture or a set of pictures by defining the time difference between the EXIF info and the desired time, as well as perform other useful EXIF-related tasks on your photo gallery.

Unlike other EXIF tools, EXIF Data Changer does not offer the user the possibility of having an overview of all the EXIF tags stored on a given photograph. This is a very useful feature not only to know what is there and what is missing, but also to know the exact format in which our camera has stored the information in specific EXIF tags and to know which pictures do require a timestamp modification and which don’t. Regrettably, you may need to use a third-party tool to view your EXIF information before using EXIF Data Changer to perform bulk modifications.

The program allows you to set a custom time and date, rename your images using EXIF data or the current file name, add copyright and credit information, include a watermark to JPG files, add keywords to your files, remove camera and model information, remove all GPS info, and even wipe out all EXIF information to protect your privacy. The free version of the program will only perform the most basic times (time and date changes, file renaming...) and only on JPG images. If you wish to make use of the advanced features (copyright, watermarking, etc.) and work with RAW formats, you’ll need to upgrade to the Pro version.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
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Review summary


  • Works with entire folders (and their subfolders) and other batches of pictures
  • Add copyright information to your images
  • Supports a number of RAW formats
  • Wipes out all EXIF info of JPG files


  • Does not display all EXIF data present on a given file


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